Power industry testing services help ensure nuclear power plants and other power-generating facilities operate safely and reliably. The materials testing and nondestructive testing (NDT) services provided by independent test labs are an essential component of power generation testing.
LTI plays an important role in inspecting materials that go into new sites and analyzing parts that fail or need repair at existing plants. LTI is a metal testing specialist with full lines of destructive testing and nondestructive testing services.
Our expertise extends across various power generation technologies such as:
- Nuclear
- Electrical
- Gas
- Hydro Electric
- Wind
- Solar
- And more
The LTI Advantage:
Comprehensive Testing Capabilities:
We offer a one-stop solution for a wide range of materials, from metal alloys to composites, serving multiple industries within the power generation sector, including nuclear, thermal, and renewable energy.
Unparalleled Expertise:
Lab Testing boasts a team of seasoned metallurgists and technicians with decades of combined experience in power generation industry testing, ensuring the highest level of expertise and accuracy in test results.
Industry Partnerships:
We collaborate with industry organizations, research institutions, and manufacturers to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and best practices.
Proven Track Record:
We can provide testimonials, case studies, and references from satisfied clients to showcase our track record in delivering value to power generation industries.
Rapid Turnaround Times:
Lab Testing understands the importance of time-sensitive projects in power generation. We prioritize quick turnaround times without compromising on quality or accuracy.
LTI’s Power Generation Testing Services

Power Generation Approvals
Services Specific to the Power Industry
Chemical Analysis
LTI can analyze metals, ores, ferroalloys, ceramics, and nonmetallic samples to determine if they meet detrimental material limits.
- Positive Material Identification (PMI)
- Spectroscopy (ICP-AES, ICP-MS, AES)
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Carbon / Sulfur / Nitrogen / Oxygen / Hydrogen Determination
- Wet Chemistry
Corrosion Testing
- ASTM A262 Practice A, B, C, D, E
- ASTM G28 Methods A & B
- ASTM G48 Methods A & B
- ASTM A923 Method C
- Salt Spray / Salt Fog
- Humidity Testing
- Passivation Testing
- Temperature Testing
Mechanical Testing
- Tensile Testing
- Charpy Impact Testing
- Drop Weight Test
- Hardness Testing
- Hydrogen Embrittlement
- Stress Rupture
- Creep Test
- Weld Testing
- Heat Treat Capability Testing
Fatigue & Fracture Testing
- Fracture Toughness Testing
- Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
- High-cycle Fatigue and Low-cycle Fatigue Testing
Metallurgical Analysis
- Microstructure
- Microhardness (Knoop & Vickers)
- Grain Size (ASTM E112)
- Inclusion Rating (ASTM E45)
- Plating Thickness
- Carbide Precipitation
- Ferrite by Point Count (ASTM E562)
- Intergranular Attack / Oxidation
- Alpha Case
- Intergranular Corrosion (ASTM A262)
- Sensitization
- Surface Contamination
- Nodularity / Nodule Count
- Eutectic Melting
- Macro-etch (ASTM E340)
- Grain Flow
- Surface Condition
- Surface Finish
- Case Depth
- Carburization / Decarburization
- Weld Qualification
Nondestructive Testing
- Ultrasonic Testing
- Hydrostatic Testing
- Magnetic Particle Inspection
- Liquid Penetrant Inspection
- X-ray Inspection (Radiography)
Additional Services
For your convenience, LTI provides much more than testing:
- Specimen Preparation – We can prepare your test specimens from metals and many plastics according to ASTM specifications.
- Calibration Services – We’ll help you keep your measuring tools, gages, masters, and other measuring instruments in reliable working order – with services either at your facility or ours.
Get in Touch
Laboratory Testing Inc. has the capacity and capabilities to handle all your material testing needs in a single location. Since 1984, we’ve aided customers worldwide with accurate nondestructive testing and precise material lab services. Request a quote or contact us today to see how our industry-leading turnaround times can keep your mission-critical approvals moving forward.